Easy to follow plot and clear English accents throughout. OK for everyone, as long as you like horror films!
Horror is not a genre I would normally watch. I'm not a fan, I'll be honest. I enjoy dark thrillers (Silence of the Lambs springs to mind) but "slasher" movies are a complete no go.
But with last night (October 31st) being Halloween, I decided to rewatch what is one of the best horror films ever made.
The 70s was a great decade for cinema. The Godfather movies, Star Wars, The French Connection, the list goes on and on. And Hallowen proudly stands with them in my book.
The plot is very simple; a young boy kills his family and is locked up as a result. Then, years later he escapes custody and, wearing the now famous mask, returns to his hometown to finish the killings.
That's it. And it's brilliant.
The budget was minuscule for this film, but they managed to get Donald Pleasance as Dr Loomis, the psychiatrist who treats Michael and then pursues him. And then there's Jamie Lee Curtis, amazing in an early role as Laurie.
The best part though, is the score. The director John Carpenter wrote the music himself and it is possibly in the all time top 5 recognizable movie scores. The second it starts, you think "Halloween"!