American and British accents throughout, but not a problem for intermediate students.
A new one for a change, and well deserved. How many other franchises have their best episode in the 7th (and most recent) outing?
Beginning in 1996, the film series starring Tom Cruise stayed fairly close to the television programme from upon which it is based. Cruise's character of Ethan Hunt is new though, and it is he that carries the series through its various episodes and directors. Yes, each film until the including the 5th had a different director. This allowed the series to remain fresh, with a different feel to each film, and although it doesn't ALWAYS work (looking at you, MI2) it really gives the series a chance to grow.
And that is why for me, the most recent film is the best.
Tom Cruise has been a major film star for 40 years, an achievement matched only by a very select few, such as Eastwood and Streep. And Ethan Hunt is, alongside Pete Maverick Mitchell, his greatest character. Cruise gives Hunt genuine depth and you root for him in a way you wouldn't usually. And then there's the stunts....... Cruise famously performs all of his own stunts throughout the series, and many of them defy belief. The standout is still probably the Burj Khalifa climb in MI4, but the bike jump here comes close.
But the reason number 7 hits the high notes for me is the pacing. The film is quite long, but there isn't an ounce of fat on the entire runtime. It absolutely flies by. The story intrigues in a way that recent AI themed movies just don't cut it (machines bad! Etc) and the bad guy is perfect. Add the usual suspects of Isla, Luther and Benji along with the quite frankly smoking hot Hayley Atwell as the new character Grace, and you have one of the most exhilarating film experiences of last or any other year.
One addendum, if you haven't watched these films before, please start at the beginning, you wont be disappointed. There is a small case for these films being better than the Bond franchise, particularly after the terrible dross that is the last two Craig films. There really are that good.............