How will it help my English? Skyfall has several different accents but the main characters speak clear British English throughout. Ideal for intermediate students and above.
There are many Bond films to choose from, but this is my favourite. We are often scared to choose a recent entry because it's often considered silly.
Connery IS king, that's true. His Bond is by far the most true to Fleming's. Having read the books, Bonds swagger, cruelty and egotism are perfectly addressed by Sir Sean. In contrast, Moore's Bond is as far from the written one as possible. Despite this, he remains my favourite for "Sunday afternoon matinee Bond".
The best story? That's On Her Majesty's Secret Service, the infamous one and done Bond of George Lazenby which is far far better than the urban legends suggest.
But after Dalton's two great but (financially at least) unsuccessful entries, and Brosnans unlucky set of Connery/Moore crossovers that didn't quite work (of all the Bonds, they've aged the most) Daniel Craig's Bond needed to be fresh. And it was. Casino Royale was a fantastic start, and although Quantum of Solace was initially considered a misfire (choppy direction and short runtime) Skyfall solidified Craig's status as a great Bond. Primarily, because Skyfall is possibly the best Bond film ever made.
Starting with a wham bam set piece that sees Bond fall off the grid, Skyfall has so much that's perfect (the villain, the two great action set pieces, the relationship in terms of 007 and M) that you really don't want it to end. Add a really British feeling to the proceedings (large parts are set in London and Scotland) and you have a film that exceeds all Bond expectations.
Simply the best.........